Inaugural Femanalytica Webinar: Honoring Malawian Women in Statistics and Data Science

October 10th 2023 marked a momentous occasion as we not only celebrated the International Day of Women in Statistics and Data Science but also officially launched Femanalytica. The day was packed with rich discussions, insightful talks, and a focus on women's roles in the burgeoning fields of statistics and data science.

Spotlight on Malawian Women in Statistics and Data Science

The event featured a special spotlight segment where we highlighted inspiring work of Malawian women in statistics and data science. These exemplary women shared their journeys, their challenges, and their contributions, serving as beacons of inspiration for aspiring data scientists and statisticians.

A Word from Our Guest Speaker

We were privileged to have  the current commissioner of statistics in Malawi Mrs Lizzie Chikoti as our guest speaker. She provided invaluable insights on the state of data science and statistics, emphasizing the need for more women in the field. The dialogue was both engaging and thought-provoking, laying the groundwork for future conversations and action.

Looking Forward

At Femanalytica, our mission goes beyond the one-day event. With initiatives such as coding workshops, boot camps, data dive events, and internships, we aim to build a robust data science community that can contribute to solving Malawi's most pressing challenges.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all who attended, to our speakers for their invaluable contributions, and to our volunteers who made the event a resounding success. Stay tuned for more as we embark on this exciting journey to make impactful change through data. science.